onsdag 8. oktober 2014

Events That Shaped English

The Anglo-Saxons
The second invanding to England was The Anglo-Saxons, and they arrived in the fifth and sixth centuries. It`s because of these group we can date the origins of the English language, and because of them, the name of the country is England.
These people were farmers and gave the language a lot of word realated to farming such as sheep, ox and earth. They also gave Words like you, is, the and that.

Scandinavian Settlement
Scandinavien invanders settled in Britain in the middle of the 9th century. The Scandinavian language, Norse, had big influence on English. Norse and Old English were quite similar because they were both Germanic languages, and had some few words in common such as give. They and take were some words English borrowed from Norse.

1066 and afterEnglish went through enormous changes after the Battle of the Heistings in 1066 between William the Conqueror and Harold Godwinson. This was the time when Old English broke Down and Middle English started to grow. The English vocabulary was extended with more than 10,000 new words, a lot of new leanwords from frence and Latin.

In the late medeval and early modern periodes, there was a process of standardizing English. In the 16th centuary, when the printing press was used more than ever, many new and different dialects had occured, and they needed English spelling to be standardized. 

olonization and Globalization When Britain started to conquer colinies and land, English spread throughout the world, on every continent. English became a world Language and the Language of administration and diplomacy. The Language was influend by a lot of more loanwords, and today we have many different varieties of English. 

                                                         - MELISSA

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